Hello, again! My name's Blook! You can also call me Blue if you'd like :]
I guess starting with the basic facts: I'm currently 19! (birthday on 5/11), and use he/him, she/her, or they/them pronouns; take your pick! I live in the southern part of the U.S. & I'm white, as well.
I imagine this is also the part where I'm inclined to include a few labels and stuff esp for gender/sexuality, but honestly I don't know if I abide by any too specifically anymore. At this point, it is also a bit irrelevant, anyways, as I've given up trying to figure out what I specifically am gender-wise and just presenting however I can/however I enjoy most in the moment, alongside being content in a relationship of my own for almost a year as of the time I am writing this 💕
Theoretically, I have a great love for art (namely illustration, but also somewhat writing), but the more time goes on the less I have had time to dedicate myself to it as much as I still want to... But as far as achieved interests go, I have also begun studying to become a teacher one day (likely for high/middle school English, but who knows!). Technically stepping back from this for a while, but I have already had a fairly solid 2 years of college under my belt to back it up, at least.
Maybe I'll write this page better in the future... I feel obligated to add more but this is already a lot, I think... Either way, mostly I've wanted to work on this as a means of one day being able to use this more so than general social media, at least for means of self expression and such. I have a long way to go until it reaches that level, but I hope you can enjoy your visit in the meantime regardless ^-^